Monday, January 5, 2009

first day of school

I should be sleeping but it's just not something I do anymore. This semester sucks/is amazing. My 2d class was canceled? Or taken from me? I'm not sure, but it is not on my schedule, I did not pay for it, and not it is full/unavailable... so I tried looking for a fifth class and found nothing at all that worked with everything else and at this point it doesn't make sense to drop a class I need/want for two classes I don't need at all/want as much. This is terrible because it means I am hardly taking any credits. I'm not even considered a full-time student with 10 credits. AND now I'm probably going to have to take summer, I definitely am, because I still have graduation date goals aaaand I don't want to play catch up by slamming myself with classes all in one semester. Otherwise though, this semester will be so lovely! I'm taking drawing, women in religion, photography, and a lab. I see myself ending the semester happy, full of thought, with straight A's and lots of additions to a tiny, sad, flimsy portfolio. I think I should just stop thinking so muuuch about credits/dates and just beeee.

1 comment:

Elise said...

true. noone has ever died regretting they didnt study hard enough.