Sunday, January 4, 2009

if you'll be my boat...

This is one of Jacques Henri Lartigue's photographs. It may not be my favorite, because I don't have one, but I do love it very, very much. I first saw it in my history of photography class this past fall semester, and my professor really flicked past this particular slide quite quickly--class was pretty much ending, so the impatient symphony of shuffling and zipping that ends every class had already begun. I think he said it was taken of his first wife, but I'm not really sure who this woman is, but I love how she is a feminine blur and the ships are so sharp. There is so much contrast between the bottom half of the boat and the top half, and the sea is just a translucent moving mass below... I find this a very beautiful moment. Today I spent a lot of time with Juan, sitting by the water watching mostly waves and the occasional boat pass by and I thought a lot about our upcoming cruise and how I'm nervous, because those massive freakshow boats really freak me out, but also about how I'm excited to use my new camera, which led me to think a lot about this photo and Lartigue's photography in general and photography in general and how much I really loved taking history of photo and cannot wait to the second part. So, this it today's 'art' aaand sorry for that incredibly annoying run-on sentence.


nap said...

im going on a cruise too!
what boat and when, it would be way to trippy if we ended up on the same boat haha.
your new camera is film?
annnd are you taking the second part of hist of photography?

peach said...

what the fuuuck this weekend?

carnival is the cruiseline, i dont know the boat?
aand its friday, we live like early afternoon i dunno?

where are you going?

& yes its film

no, not yet :[

nap said...

oh ok lol no no different cruise
we're not going for another couple of weeks.
what kind of camera?

peach said...

its one of my dad's
an old minolta
its really small and cute
plus he let me have all its lenses and things

where are you guys going?