Friday, January 23, 2009


  • studying religion is just as enjoyable as studying history and/or art history for me. I just love to memorize facts, stories, theories, whatever. is it strange that I don't have any desire at all to have theories of my own? I just want to know things.
  • green tea ice cream can really turn a day around. for the better. not only because it is so delicious, but it's also such a pretty shade of green. certainly more pleasing to the eye than pistachio or mint.
  • as a sort of addition to the previous fact, cheap, good, Japanese buffets are wonderful!
  • Slumdog Millionaire really was the "feel good" movie to calm my economic stress, and it will so be yours too. it's everyone's! it was such a wonderful and beautiful story that I hardly noticed the actors, which is probably the reason why none of them are nominated for an Oscar, but they were all very good of course, and visually, it was stunninggggg. I really want to visit India, with learning all about it in class right now and watching this movie, I feel like nowhere in the world could offer more of a culture shock.
  • Yates is depressing! So depressing! Revolutionary Road is a really great book so far, but I'm so depressed because of it. I'm really not seeing the comparison of it and The Great Gatsby... I guess it is a sort of portrait of the 1950's suburban lifestyle, and The Great Gatsby does that for the 20's but it's different, I don't know. I'm sad!

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