Tuesday, March 3, 2009

things we carry

I was thinking about how I always carry my bag with me, and what I always have in it and how much I love all of those things. And what those things do or don't say about me. For the most part, people carry the same sort of things, but I think we all have at least a few things that only we carry with us day and day out.

I always carry:
  • my red moleskine (for sketching and writing, which I also use for all of my classnotes and roughdrafts)
  • a tiny, little hellokitty notebook (which I use as an agenda)
  • pens (at least two different colored inks)
  • whatever book I'm reading/looking through at the time (currently Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann)
  • a little marie antoinette pillbox from the Louvre (which houses birth control pills)
  • various tea bags
  • two tiny bottles of oil fragrance: one I bought in France and one my dad bought me in Salem
  • my iPod nano (which I never remember to charge)
  • an accumulation of receipts I forget to throw away & fortune cookie fortunes
  • hairties, at least one hairbow, and chapstick (hellokitty strawberry!)
  • film, empty cannisters of film, cannisters with film to be developed
  • ray bans
  • wallet, keys, lighter(s) and I would say my phone if I didn't always forget it.

I sometimes also carry:
  • BUBBLEGUM, mint gum, mentos, candy, etc. (a LOT of the time)
  • my digital camera/my fish-eye camera/my oktomat camera/my polaroid camera
  • nat sherman fantasias
  • a scarf/shawl
  • two different shades of red lipstick (I never have just one at a time)
  • my nintendo ds
  • crayons/colored pencils
  • dried berries (for energy)

Mmmmmmm. Someone tell me what you carry!


nap said...

always, always:
-fiu organizer
-pillz, in their original conatainer
-receipts, loose change
-hair ties, bobby pins
-the book im reading at the time
-china town hello kitty wallet
-burts bees chapstick (pomegranate and ofcourse original)
- gum, icecubes, or bubblicious(watermelon only and always)
-keys, cell phone, ipod(also almost never charged)

-cameras of all sorts
-film, developed, to be developed, unused
-hair things, jewlery
-this mini bag in black and pink shaped like tighty whities, where i carry contact case, liquid eyeliner, mascera, an extra contact, and chanel red lipstick
-school things, papers, folders, blue books etc.


not as cute as your things i think lol :]

peach said...

oh i miss china town :'[
hopefully i'll be there by may

sal said...

me being a guy, i don't really carry a lot of stuff on me besides my basics:
-wallet/student id

but i usually keep around my tape recorder for keeping thoughts. usually have a girl with me to hold my d60 in her bag.

peach said...

you're such a boy!.

Arlin said...

-hair clip
-lip balm
-lip gloss
-edgar allen poe pocket book
-moms camera lol

-clothes [never know whats gunna happen]
-school stuff
-and an asortment of junk

sal said...

hah, wouldn't have it any other way.

forgot to mention, if out with friends, on occasion, i carry a 5-pack of Olivas (cigars are very social) and my bacardi flask

peach said...

arlin: I should have added, but I occasionally carry a pocketsize book of pablo neruda :D
poe is gooooood too <3


sal said...

oh lord, yeah to both. why so shocked?

i just recently started smoking cigars( last semester) don't really smoke a lot, smoked maybe 4 or 5 cigars since i've started.

bacardi, only because it's in a small flask bottle.

this is why we should chat/talk/hangout more.