Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I love creepy shit. I love the eerie and the strange. I always have. I love the big, dead-eyed Blythe dolls and walking through a cemetery. I love the twisted, psycho, naked zombie anime and anything to do with skeletons and bones in general. I love blood splatter and exorcisms and sirens and black cats and santeria and voudou and dried up flowers. I find it all so beautiful! And I really don't see what is so wrong with that, judgemental freaks.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day went surprisingly well for me! The stupid holiday is cute. Juan showed up at my dad's house around 10:30 last night, yay. I got lots of daisies, yellow-centered daisies! And cute things and chocolate, Juan gave me a pretty bound book of love letters and a tiny, pink bi-lingual collection of Neruda love poems to add to my collection of his work. It's so small I can carry it with me everywhere, I love it. My dad gave me a hello kitty comic book/anime maker/notebook thing from Japan? It's also very small and very cute, and he also got me a new red moleskine! Juan got a freshly baked carrot cake from me (his favorite, I hate it). Haha, it is in the shape of a heart and has us drawn in blue icing on's ugly. Whatever!

I'm a lucky girl, so lucky.

Friday, February 13, 2009

la la la

I'm at my dad's, without Juan, it's weird! Being without him really isn't very weird at all, it's really just the thought of sleeping without him, though I'm sure I'm building it up to be much more 'different' or 'strange' than it actually will be. Hmmmm.
I've been painting with tea leaves in my moleskine more and more, and writing a lot. Not really writing or painting anything in particular, kind of just scattered thoughts. I'm really enjoying and getting a lot out of my photo class, not from the professor... at all, not to say he's not good at what he does, I'm just not getting anything from him. I just like that I have a reason to spend time developing and printing, which is a wonderful process that I likely would not spend [enough] time on if I weren't in a class. So I think I'm going to always be in a photo class, haha. Just, always, until I graduate. Maybe I'll minor. Mmmmmmm.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I've been trying really hard to be healthier. I'm eating better, and we've decided to cut down on meat and poultry, and only buy kosher and organic from now on. It's our own, very, very, very, very liberal form of Ahimsa, haha. Plus, it tastes better and is better for you. I've been sick for the last three weeks on and off, ranging from ridiculously paralyzing body aches and sore throat to a mild sniffle and cough, but I just cannot seem to shake whatever this is completely, I'm tired all the time and just hurt more than I should. And just when I finally thought everything was clearing up yesterday and the day before, I fell asleep last night not wearing any clothes with the fan on high and shivered in my sleep most of the night, too lazy/dreeaamy to actually wake up, move, and turn the fan off. Ironically, I had dreams about snow and pneumonia. Not ironically, I woke up with a sore throat, slight cough, and headache. I was cold all day today, even in sunny seventy five degrees.

Friday, February 6, 2009

button eyes

Animated stop motion in 3D? I'm excited, it's going to be beautiful to look at<3